The very best cars are bought and sold by word of mouth.

We understand our clients like to keep their transactions quiet and not disclose the hammer price to protect the future value of their investments.

If you prefer discretion, particularly if your collector car is quite rare or valuable, we offer a more private service, with full price control, reassuring you that you will have the final say on what offer to accept.

The SEALED SALES Offerings

Names of buyers and sellers are always kept confidential.
Total price control, reassuring clients that they will have the final say on what offer to accept.
Secure, insured transport and storage (if needed).
We arrange a full appraisal/valuation and inspection of your vehicle; free of charge.
Our contacts range from high-profile names in the car-collecting community to up-and-coming enthusiasts building world-class collections for tomorrow; just like traditional auction houses without extortionate costs transaction costs.
Photography / videography included; free of charge.

The SEALED SALES How we sell your vehicle


Sealed Sales Privacy assured



Engine Notes
Sealed Sales. For clients who keep their transactions quiet and out of the public eye.

Our Bespoke Sales Team simplifies the process for buyers and sellers. Our extensive network of clients globally contributes to our proficiency in matching buyers and sellers.


We also love to help you understand the true value of a car or collection today, in total privacy, without any commitment to sell, in total confidence.

Please contact the team for further details.